Focusing on total body wellness can seem daunting. There are so many aspects to wellness that is it easy to get overwhelmed and feel discouraged. My definition of wellness includes physical, mental, spiritual, financial, relationship, and positivity. Your definition may include different factors. We need to know how and where to start on these wellness goals.
My trick is to simplify.
Simplify means: to make something simple.
a. To reduce in complexity or extent.
b. To reduce to fundamental parts.
c. To make easier to understand.
Examples of how you can simplify your wellness goals.
Lose 50 pounds this year.
Now simplify this goal: Lose the first 3 pounds this month.
The simplification is in the volume of the goal.
As you earn a small victory, it will propel you forward.
Conversely, if you run out of steam and fail, it will set you back even further.
Have less pain in my body.
A great goal, but difficult to know where to start.
A consult with a doctor is appropriate, but here are some suggestions based on muscular pain.
Rate your pain . For example, if your low back aches every morning, give it a number . Let's call it a 6/10, 10 being the worse pain ever. Now, simplify your goal to: Reduce pain to a 3/10 or better.
Now you can focus your actions to get to that 3/10, and employ strategies such as massage, proper hydration, stretching, physical therapy, gym membership, aqua training, etc.
The simplification of this goal is making it measureable. As I stated in a previous post, we cannot change what we cannot measure.
Look younger.
We know for a fact that this is a goal for many and it can feel like fighting an uphill battle. To simplify a large goal as this one, the trick is to focus on what you feel like makes you look older and working on it. Is it hair color, wrinkles around the eyes (crows feet), or a dull lackluster skin tone? An esthetician can give you great feedback, and Laurie at our spa is excellent at giving you a small focused goal and action plan. It may be as simple as exfoliating twice a week with a great product. Simplified, this goal can state: Exfoliate twice a week with Multivitamin Thermafoliant.
Totally manageable and will make you look younger.
I am interested in hearing what your wellness goals are and would love you to comment below. If you would like me to use your example in the next post with my suggestions to simplify, I would love to work on that with you.
Until then, keep it simple.
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