Know your Biorhythm.
Your biorhythm is your internal body clock. It is the 24 hour schedule for how your body operates. Some of you have no problems rising at 4:30 am to workout and get ready for the day ahead. For others (like me), the thought of a 4:30am run makes me nauseous.
The early bird may get a worm, but there are trillions of worms out there for you. You can get "the worm" any time within the 24 hour cycle. Do not force your body to conform to a rhythm that is not yours. You may be able to get up early to exercise a few times, but it will not be sustainable because that is not how your body operates.
Take a minute to write down your favorite times to do things, as if the entire day was yours without commitments like work and children.
For example, my clock wants me to rise when the sun does. Obviously this changes with the seasons, but that works for me. I do not force myself to do otherwise. If I can choose a time to exercise, it is late morning to early afternoon. I prefer to write and reflect from 9-11pm.
If I am working on these goals, it makes sense to work them into my biorhythm. I am not going to schedule a run at 4:30 am. Ever. But I will schedule to work out at 11 am and be highly successful.
Knowing your body clock will help you stay well. It gives you a framework for success. Working on wellness goals within your biorhythm makes sense to you, and that's who you need to think about.
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